Cheese Cookbook Main Dishes Pasta

Macaroni with Cheese

This recipe is from the Dunkerton, Iowa, First Baptist Church Cookbook – 1932

3 C. macaroni, cooked
1 1/2 C. cheese, grated
1 C. toasted bread crumbs
4 sliced fried bacon, diced
Salt and pepper to taste

Put the first 5 ingredients in layers in baking dish, pour over this 1 quart of cold milk, start in cold oven, bake 1 1/2 hours.

Candy Cookbook

Divinity Candy

This recipe came from the Dunkerton, Iowa – First Baptist Church Cookbook – 1932.

2 C. sugar
2/3 C. light Karo syrup
1/3 C. hot water
2 egg whites, beaten very stiff
1 C. nuts, chopped
1 tsp. vanilla

Boil the sugar, syrup and hot water together until it spins from fork tines. Have ready the beaten whites of 2 eggs, very stiff; and chopped nuts. Pour hot syrup on this slowly, beating all the time. Add vanilla. Beat it until it will stand alone, then drop on buttered plates. Black walnuts are especially fine in this kind of candy.